Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday September 12, 2024 @ 7:30PM Central

It’s CoCo-rific!

I write this having just returned from the recent Vintage Computer Festival – Midwest, held last weekend in the 50,000 sq ft Renaissance Schaumburg Exploration Room. The Color Computer (and MC-10), along with TRS-80 Models 1,3, and 4 (and 4p), were well represented. Of course, the 50K sq ft included a myriad of other platforms as well, some very common, and some completely esoteric. As usual, it was great to catch up with fellow Glenside members and enjoy each other’s company. If you stopped by my booth this past weekend, thanks for doing so.

As Vice President John Mark Mobley noted earlier, September is officer nomination month, this time for the 2024-25 officer term. As I’ve noted in the past, the positions are not overly strenuous, and we’re always looking for new leadership skills.

Please join us this Thursday. We will open the call a bit early at 7PM for some discussion and to help anyone with “technical difficulties”.

To join the Meeting

Meeting ID: 827 9736 7585
Passcode: GCCC

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,82797367585#,,,,*686821# (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 827 9736 7585
Passcode: 686821
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Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

For those unable to join us on Zoom or have prior commitments, we will livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page ( and our YouTube channel (


Glenside Leadership Nominations

At our next business meeting, we will likely accept nominations for secretary, treasurer, vice-president, and president.

If you want to run for office, you will need to get your name put up for a nomination.

One way is to have a friend nominate you, and then you can accept or reject the offer.

It is good to vote out the incumbents. I think we all could use a break.

You can bring new ideas and new energy.

You can suggest we hold a CoCoFEST! in Hawaii; Kokomo Island; Kokomo, Indiana; Hurricane, Virginia; or Niagara Falls.

You can suggest that we hold the CoCoFEST! on the same day as “Talk Like a Pirate Day!”

You can let all Motorola 6809 microprocessor assembly language programmers have free admission to the CoCoFEST! for life.

So, I want to encourage you to start planning.

You may want to volunteer to write an article, investigate low-cost venues, plan picnics, do research and such, then go for it. How about a picnic in your back yard? How about a outing? How about a mini-CoCoFEST! How about a TRS-80 MC-10 FEST! at the library in Elgin, IL or West Dundee, IL?

If you have a good reliable internet, smartphone, or regular phone service, then you can attend the meetings remotely. If you do not, then now you have a reason to upgrade your service.

John Mark Mobley (Vice-President of Glenside Color Computer Club, Inc.)
