If you missed the live presentations at CoCoFest here are some links to them. Also take a moment to subscribe to the Glenside Color Computer Club YouTube channel.
CoCoFEST! 2024 - Preserve your CoCo Legacy
CoCoFEST! 2024 - NitrOS9 EOU Updates
CoCoFEST! 2024 - CoCo on the Couch
CoCoFEST! 2024 - The CoCo Deluxe
Brian Wieseler
Month: May 2024
Business Meeting How-To’s:
The Business Meeting will be on Thursday, June 13th.
Guideline #1: Everything is to be done decently and in order. So we follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Exhibit A: https://www.ffa.org/the-feed/6-items-of-business-for-effective-meetings/
- Exhibit B: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=robert%27s+rules+of+order&va=g&t=ha&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images
- Exhibit C: https://www.boardeffect.com/blog/roberts-rules-of-order-cheat-sheet/w_1700/https://www.boardeffect.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/BoardEffect-Roberts-Rules-of-Order-Cheat-Sheet_Page_1-1.png
- Exhibit D: https://blog.lawfirmcarolinas.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/ROBERTS11th_Page_1.jpg
- Exhibit E: https://www.adhocalley.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/RobertsRulesDiagrammed.png
Guideline #2: We need you to attend, or share your ideas with leadership.
Guideline #3: Get involved. Leaders sometimes need to delegate responsibility to someone. As you get involved, you may have an opportunity to become a leader yourself. Leaders are expected to serve the GCCC community.
Guideline #4: Know the Constitution and Bylaws of the Club: https://www.glensideccc.com//wp-content/uploads/2020/12/GCCC-Constitution.pdf
Guideline #5: Know how and when to amend the Constitution and Bylaws of the Club.
Countdown to CoCoFEST!… T-11 Months
By the time you view this, the crew will be disassembling their exhibits and packing for departure. It was a fun fest, a number of folks stopped me and commented how much they enjoyed the event.
Of course, the fest weekend would not be complete without some of the staples. Though it happened before the official start, the hotel managed to catch fire (a bit of it, anyway) and what appeared to be every fire department vehicle from the greater metropolitan Chicago area arrived. The fire fighters hacked part of the building away to stop the fire, started by some birds building a nest in a light enclosure:

And, no fest would be complete without the Saturday Jam session:

I am told the venue staff came in and “pointedly” closed the room doors when the jam got going. No one complained to me, though, so we’ll call it OK.
Numbers are still in flux, but it appears 117+ folks visited the show (that’s probably a bit conservative, as it’s based on those who filled out the door prize registration at the door), and the auction raise almost $5K. Thanks again to our generous attendees.
Yes, Virginia, there will be a 33rd Annual Chicago CoCoFEST!
Though we won’t have a full business meeting this week, feel free to join our regular business meeting Zoom call this Thursday at 7:30PM, where I’ll share more fest statistics and we can discuss items of note and improvement suggestions.
CoCoFEST! Coordinator Grant says he’s going to bed now…
May the 4th Be With You! The 32nd Annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST!
Countdown to CoCoFEST: T-1 Day
Countdown to CoCoFEST: T-2 Days
One of the highlights of every CoCoFEST!, it’s the No Minimum Bid Auction. Thanks to the generosity of the community in both donating items for the auction, and for bidding on auction items, many of the funds needed to run each CoCoFEST are received from this auction. It’s such a draw that other classic computing events have implemented their own fundraising auction based on ours.
As in previous years, we’ve already amassed quite a collection of CoCo (and some non CoCo) items for auction, and I hope you consider sitting down with us Saturday afternoon and bidding on an item or 10.
Jason Timmons, co-organizer of the massive Fall VCF Midwest show, will once again wield the gavel as our auctioneer. If you’re on the fence about joining us, check out some of the items that went under the hammer in 2023:
Countdown to CoCoFEST: T-3 Days
In my opinion, gaming drives computing innovation, moreso than any other computing use case. I’ll fill my cup with some CoCo at the show and you can stop by and try to change my mind…
Even in the CoCo realm, I feel like pushing the platform via game development has unlocked significant platform secrets.
Over the years, we’ve enjoyed presentations on CoCo gaming from game designers/developers. Here’s Paul Thayer giving us a glimpse on his efforts to turn ideas into computing innovation through game development, using modern tooling:
CoCoFEST! Links
For starters you should scroll to the bottom of the page and click <Other Post>. And keep do this page after page until you go back to mouth of March and then will have seen all the recent CoCoFEST! post.