Glenside’s Future Goals?

Hey everyone. This is the club treasurer here.

Recently I’ve been looking at ways that we can operate our club indefinitely. I asked in our meeting recently if anyone could help out in setting up something like a trust fund or investment account. One of our members, Bob Swoger, said something to us that took me a couple days to data process. He asked mainly if we’re allowed to do this. He said something like: “I’ve been in many ham and computer clubs and we never did anything like this.”

Of course investments in the future are what non-profits like ours is all about. But what did he mean, nobody else does this? It struck me that he’s looking at it through a lens of a modern computer club. Of course in any modern computer club, their mission would almost certainly not think 10, 20, 30 years down the road. They’d be looking at how to throw a great LAN party or something next year!

For me and I bet for others in the club, we are moving on from being a simple modern computer club to being more of a knowledge resource and historical society, one that will need to worry about how to keep things going if and when our membership dwindles or retro computing becomes less of a popular hobby.

I have some ideas for goals for the next 20-30 years. My current mission is I would like CoCoFEST! to some day become entirely self-funded. As in, nobody needs to pay anything to have a CoCoFEST! every year. This would mean that there would never have to be a “Last” CoCoFEST!

Is this something I should be focusing on? Do you all see us as a computer club or are we becoming something (should we becoming something) different?

Lastly, if anybody with some investment knowledge wants to help me figure out a proposal for the club to help shape a 20-30 year mission, please get in touch with me!


Glenside Club Meeting: Thursday February 17, 2022 @ 7:30PM Central

Are you showing your Color Computer some love on this Valentine’s Day holiday?

Our CocoFEST! Coordinator Grant Leighty is hitting his stride. After previously noting the hotel reservations are open, he and Randy Weaver have prepped and opened admission and table registrations this month. Solicitations for presenters (as I recall, slots are almost full) and donations (any exciting unused CoCo peripherals hiding in your home?) have been made, and Grant’s getting artwork prepped for banners and badges. For all your CoCoFEST! Information needs, see here:

We will open the call early at 6:30PM as in previous months for some time to catch up and say hello to new faces.

Meeting Agenda (

To join the Meeting:

You can call in: Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (United States)
+1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 889 394 355
Room System: or

Want to test your video connection?

For those unable to join us on BlueJeans or have prior commitments, we will livestream and have a replay available on our Facebook page ( and our Youtube channel (
