Contributing membership is $15 / year. You can pay for your membership via PayPal using the button:
We’re excited to learn that you want to join our club. Joining our club will help us continue our mission of keeping our beloved Tandy / Radio Shack equipment out of landfills and will bring you in touch with enthusiasts just like you from all over the world.
To join, simply sign up at TandyList.com to become a regular unpaid member. TandyList.com is our official club database. If you wish to either become more involved in our month-to-month operations, or if you wish to help monetarily with our mission, you can become a paid member.
Currently dues are $15 a year, and gives you benefits like being able to vote in our yearly elections and make and vote on requests at our meetings to do things that you believe could benefit our club. If you are a vendor for CoCoFEST! then your vendor registration includes one contributing membership for the year!
If you do not plan to be a vendor at CoCoFEST! you can simply send us a donation of $15 by PayPal or check. You can also pay at the door at CoCoFEST! If you wish to pay by check, please make it payable to the Glenside Color Computer Club, and mail it to our treasurer. If you would rather pay simply by PayPal, you can use the link above to send us a donation.