We are now less than 70 days until the 2024 Annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFest. The weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer, and it will be here before we know it. I just wanted to provide a few updates on this year’s CoCoFest.
First, the tables sold out in the main room faster than any year before. I have worked with the hotel and we have come up with a couple of ideas. I have added 14 tables that will be in the hallway, and 9 tables that will be located across the hall in a smaller room. Both options will have power available to them. Each table will be 6 foot in length, and will cost $30 each. The main difference between the two locations will be the overflow will be locked up at the end of the night after the show. The tables in the hallway will need to be taken down and placed into one of the rooms at night. I would like to keep the tables in the main ballroom for people who are displaying or selling items. If you are wanting a table for a place to call home, or a place just to seat down, please use one of the hallway tables. If you want to move your existing table to another location, please send me an email to cocofest@glensideccc.com and we will get that done for you. One last thing, since we have to rent the extra tables, there will NOT be any extra tables to purchase on the day of the fest. To purchase a table for this year’s CoCoFest, go to our website at tandylist.com.
I am still looking for people to give presentations this year. If you want to give a presentation, please send me an email and I will get you add to the list. Don’t forget that this year’s theme is Star Wars. I would like to see the tables decorated in the Star Wars theme. There might even be a prize for the best decorated table. If you have any questions you can reach me on the CoCo Discord, or by email at cocofest@glensideccc.com.