CoCoFEST! 32 T-Shirt Design Updates

Based on feedback, Salvador Garcia has updated his design (twice). First is replacing 32st” with “32nd” and putting some background on some of the text to make it stand out:

Current latest design moved the crawl off the jet to make it easier to read:

Thanks Salvador for the updates. Do *YOU* have an idea for a design? If so, please send it to myself ( or our CoCoFEST! coordinator, Grant Leighty (


Another CoCoFEST! 32 T-Shirt Design Option

Ron Delvaux provided another T-shirt option to consider

Here it is mocked up on a T-shirt:

Again, on behalf of GCCC, thanks for this option to consider. If anyone else has a creative touch, please reach out to myself ( or our CoCoFEST! coordinator, Grant Leighty (
